Wednesday, March 30, 2011

To The Donald...Really???

Ok, I was intrigued when Donald Trump started making noise about running for president. He's a good businessman, I won't say he's a great one, after all, he did let his casino go into bankruptcy. That seems pretty hard to do. But he is a billionaire, great with real estate. He owns many beautiful buildings in the Big Apple, not to mention his golf courses across the country. His Apprentice television series is also quite popular. Why do I like him? First off, he is a billionaire! He clearly has a lot of money, and I think, at least, he might be less persuaded by these big mega banks and corporations to make policies that favor them and that he would craft policies that would  create jobs and that are more friendly to the middle class. (At least I saw him in a YouTube video earlier this month that gave me that impression.) I started thinking to myself, although he's arrogant, people respect him, he accomplishes his goals, and if he can do for our nation what he's done for his businesses, I might feel inclined to vote for him in 2012.

But then he traded in his arrogance for straight up ignorance and joined the birther bandwagon. And I've got to be straight up honest, I just don't get it. Why on earth would a man as intelligent and educated as Donald Trump make the morning news rounds and talk about he doesn't know if Barack Obama was actually born in the United States? It's just plain ignorant. Ok, let's go over this one more time. First, the Obama campaign DID release Obama's birth certificate. You can see a copy of it at reputable sites here, here, or here. Second, an announcement was printed in two Honolulu newspapers shortly after his birth. See a couple of those previous links. If he was born in Kenya, I somehow doubt two Honolulu newspapers would have announced his birth. Third, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawai'i State Department of Health, has released an official statement verifying that Obama was born in Hawai'i and is a natural born citizen of the United States. Also, the current governor of Hawai'i, Neil Abercrombie, was personal friends to the President's parents and attests that, while he was not in attendance the day of the birth, he did see the baby, Barack, soon thereafter. Given the preceding evidence, I think the fact that Obama is a citizen is irrefutable. 

But now Mr. Trump is coming up with the most ridiculous argument of all, that no doctors and no nurses can be found that remember him being born! Um...excuse me? What? Is this guy serious? No doctors or nurses remember his birth? Well my gosh, I hope not. The man is 49 years old!! If there is a doctor or nurse still working that remembers the birth of Barack Obama that is still working after 49 years, I wouldn't want that person for my doctor or nurse. They should all be retired, at least. Sorry Donald, that is a most pathetic argument, immature, and most of all, ignorant. If I was thinking of voting for you, you have lost all my confidence in your ability to be rational, sound, and in short, to be a leader.

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